Kalyan Kumaran

Kalyan Kumaran

Director of Technology, LCF

630-252 5941

Dr. Kalyan Kumaran (Kumar) is a Senior Computer Scientist and the Director of Technology at Argonne’s Leadership Computing Facility (LCF). In this role he works closely with division leadership and vendors to define the hardware and software architectures of next-generation ALCF systems to ensure improved scientific productivity through the use of scalable and high-performing applications in the areas of simulation, data analysis, and deep learning. He oversees teams focused on performance engineering, data science, data analytics, and scientific visualization, and guides efforts to enhance compute and I/O performance, advance data-centric computing, and provide performance and scientific productivity tools. Kumar leads the Joint Laboratory for System Evaluation (JLSE), an Argonne collaboration that provides access to emerging testbeds for research. He manages non-recurring engineering (NRE) for future ALCF systems. He and his team work closely with the high-performance community to develop standards, benchmarks, and technologies that help drive continued improvements in supercomputing performance. Kumar has been part of the ACM Gordon Bell Honorable Mention team in 2011 and finalist teams in 2012 and 2013. He was a long time Chair of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) High Performance Group, also served for some time on its Board,  and is a key developer of several widely used standard benchmarks. He is the recipient of the 2018 SPEC Presidential Award for his contributions.